Concerts: |
> Main Page |
> Osthafen, Ffm 92 |
> Knitting Factory, NYC 93 |
> Shuffle CD, Ffm 93 |
> Freundschaftwoche 94 |
> Ihr Friseur, Berlin 94 |
> Fim Festival, Ffm 95 |
> Dreikönigskeller, Ffm 96 |
> Gutleut 15, Ffm 97 |
> RadioX, Ffm f. 97 on |
> multi.trudi, Ffm 98 |
> Fylkingen, Stockholm 98 |
> Schirn, Ffm 99 |
> Gutleut 15, Ffm 2000 |
Nie lernst du die Freunde kennen wenn des Glückes Sonne scheint - nur bei Nacht sieht man die Sterne,nur in der Not kennst du den Freund! Freundschaft ist, wenn dich einer für gutes Schwimmen lobt, nachdem du beim Segeln gekentert bist. ( Werner Schneyder ) Freundschaft ist wie ein Schiff das bei gutem Wetter zwei und bei schlechtem Wetter nur einen trägt. Freundschaft ist wenn man ein Gedicht schreibt, und dem anderen nicht der Text sondern deine Signatur gefällt! Es gibt viele wertvolle Schiffe, doch ist keins so wertvoll wie dass Schiff der Freundschaft. Auch wenn es aus einanderbricht kannst du es flicken. |
Atemlos Rock Festival 1992
Phantom picture of Freundschaft |
Frankfurt, Palais Osthafen, 10.8. 1992
Oliver Augst: Vocal, Drums, Mix
Stefan Beck: Vocal, Disc, Keyboard
Marcel Daemgen: Premix, Tape
Marcus Oeschger: Gitarre
Bernhard Reiß: Baß
Mr. Cobra: Synthesizer
Freundschaft on stage |
Stefan Beck reads politics |
Mr. Cobra turns the knobs |
The first concert of the band as "Freundschaft".
Oliver Augst, through his past as rock musician, got invititated by the local rock promoters Kick for this festival featuring local rockbands. What they didn't know was that the band had completely transformed to an electronic industrial noise group in the meantime.
So, the new setup with six piles of speakers and electronic devices came to a complete surprise to the Kick people. The real evidence of the new Freundschaft sound only during the concert. That was maybe the first time after some period that the audience heard the words "class struggle" or "the bourgoisie" on a decent rock festival.
It had been negotiated that the band would play at least 60 minutes, but when there was a short stop by the tremendous soundwall of Freundschaft after 37 min there was suddendly a break and an announcement: "That was Freundschaft. Thank you very much." and the stage crew came and took away the equipment of the band, and the next band already started playing from another stage.
The first Freundschaft concert ended as a shock.
"My girfriend, trained in classical guitar, was not amused: 'You got applause with not having practiced before? That's not allright!'" (Stefan Beck)
Audio: MP3 stream (24Kbps)
Video: RealVideo Modem (21K), DSL (91K); Windows Media Player